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Attendance Policy

District & State Attendance Policies

Click on the following links for information.

Haga clic en los siguientes enlaces para obtener información.

Texas Compulsory Attendance Law Official Attendance Notice

Ley de Asistencia Obligatoria en Texas Notificacion Oficial de Asistencia

General Attendance Pledge          Asistencia General Promesa

Attendance Intervention Programs

Programas de Intervencion de Asistencia

How to access Truancy Notices for parents/guia de Ausentismo para padres

Attendance Definitions



When to Use


Excused Absence

A student has been absent and returns with a note from the parent/guardian.


Unexcused Absence

A student has been absent and does not provide a signed note from the parent/guardian.



Student arrives in the classroom after the tardy bell has finished ringing.


Excessive Tardy

(Elementary only)

For truancy purposes, any time a student has a partial day unexcused absence of 20 or more minutes in duration. For example, if they arrive excessively tardy or if they are picked up early without good cause.


Visited Health Care Provider

A student is temporarily absent due to a documented appointment with a healthcare professional. The student must attend some part of the day of absence and provide a document such as a note from the health care professional.



A student misses school for the purpose of attending a required court appearance. Travel shall be limited to one day for travel to and one day for travel from the site. Acceptable forms of documentation include a copy of a pleading or other document filed with the court, a notice from the court clerk regarding a hearing or trial date, a jury summons, a subpoena, to participate in an activity ordered by a court under the Texas Family Code, Chapter 262 or Chapter 263, provided that scheduling the participation outside of school hours is not practicable.


Holy Day

Student misses school for the purpose of observing religious holy days, including traveling for that purpose. Travel shall be limited to one day for travel to and one day for travel from the site.


Citizenship Application/Ceremony

Student misses for the purpose of appearing at a governmental office to complete required paperwork in connection with the student’s application for United States citizenship OR taking part in the student’s own United States naturalization oath ceremony, including travel for that purpose. Travel shall be limited to not more than one day for travel to and one day for travel from the site.